Mastering Infographic Design: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Perfect Colors

Explore the importance of brand consistency and the impact of color schemes on visual hierarchy. With practical tips and insights, this article empowers you to craft captivating infographics that leave a lasting impression. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting, unleash the power of color to elevate your infographic game.

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Mastering Infographic Design: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Perfect Colors

by Shanika May 11, 2024


Color is a powerful tool when it comes to infographic design. You can use color alone to guide readers through your infographic, or you can pair it with other visual elements such as shapes and fonts. However, there are many factors that come into play for choosing the right colors for an infographic. How does one choose between thousands of possible colors? The answer depends on what your goal is for the design and how it will be used in print or online. This article will walk you through some basic guidelines for using color effectively as part of your next infographic project.

Colors are an important visual element of infographic design.

Colors are the first thing people notice. Hence they're an important visual elements of infographic design, so it's important that you choose colors that help guide your reader through your infographic and communicate your message effectively.

If you want to attract attention, choose bright colors for an eye-catching effect.

If you want to make a more subtle statement, use less intense hues like pastels or neutrals (black and white).

When choosing colors for your infographic designs, consider:

  • How does each color make me feel?
  • Do I like this feeling?
  • Does it match my brand's personality?
  • Will this color inspire confidence in potential customers or clients?
  • What message am I trying to send with this particular graphic element and how can I reinforce this message by choosing an appropriate pallet of hues?
  • What are the demographics of my target audience and how does each color make them feel?
  • Do they like this feeling?
  • Does it match their brand's personality?
  • Will this color inspire confidence in potential customers or clients?
  • How do these colors work together visually to create an effective infographic design?

Use a color palette that is consistent with your brand.

The colors you choose for your infographic should be consistent with your brand and the other materials that you have produced. If it's not, then it could lead to confusion and make it harder for people to understand what they are looking at.

It's also important to use colors that match the rest of your website, social media channels and logo so everything matches up nicely when someone searches "your company" online or sees one of your posts on Facebook.

The best practice is to have one color that represents your brand, and then use other colors to highlight different sections of your infographic. This makes it easier for people to follow along and understand what they are looking at. It also gives you the opportunity to use a wide range of colors without them clashing with each other or your company's branding.

There are many sources that guide to choose suitable color palette matching your theme you are following, brand and logo color you are already having or even a color code that you are dreaming to have and emphasis via you message through the infographic that you are pertaining to distribute or publish. Grafito, as and online open resource not only enable you create customized infographics easily but it also facilitate you enjoy its huge gallery of pre set color palettes in a single click. These pre set color palettes have been created using universal color mixing methodology that will give visually soothing impact.

More surprisingly, this online application, namely Graficto has considered the importance of having infographics that matches your brand name or any theme and facilitate you customized a color palette on your own and enable you use anytime you required storing that in the color palette gallery. With all these user friendly feathers Graficto internationally renounced as top free source for infographics. Try and test the fun of creating infographic Graficto from the link below….(link)

Choose one or two dominant colors and a few accent colors.

When it comes to choosing the right colors for your infographic, you'll want to choose one or two dominant colors and a few accent colors. The dominant color should be consistent with your brand and help guide the reader through the infographic. It's also important that this dominant color not be too similar to any other dominant colors on the page (it can be hard on readers' eyes).

The accent colors should highlight important points within each section of your infographic as well as provide an additional visual cue for where they are located in relation to each other. For example, if there are multiple sections about different aspects of business growth and revenue generation, then consider using different shades of green throughout those sections so that readers know where they are when moving from one section into another without having them all blur together visually on screen at once!

You can use color schemes to guide the reader through your infographic.

Color schemes can help you create a visual hierarchy, rhythm, flow, and story.

Let's look at each of these in turn:

  • Create a visual hierarchy. The most important piece of information should be emphasized with the strongest color contrast and largest size. It's also important to avoid creating so many levels of importance that it becomes difficult for readers to understand what's most important or where they should focus their attention next.
  • Create a visual rhythm. When breaking up text into sections such as paragraphs or bullet points, consider how much white space between them would work best for your audience--too much space may make them feel lost; too little could make them feel overwhelmed by information overload!
  • Create a visual flow from one section into another (and back again). You'll want all elements on each page having some sort of connection with one another so everything flows together nicely without any jarring transitions between pages/sections/chapters etcetera ad infinitum.

Keep it simple for the best results.

A good color palette is a critical part of any infographic, but it's also one of the most intimidating parts to get right. The best way to approach this task? Start with one or two dominant colors and then add accent colors as needed.

  • Use one or two dominant colors: Your infographic should have a unifying theme that runs throughout every element--the color scheme is no exception! Pick out your favorite hues and stick with them for everything from fonts to illustrations (and even background images). This will help keep readers focused on what matters most in each section of your graphic: namely, its content.
  • Add accent colors when necessary: Accent colors can be used sparingly for small elements like bullets or headers; otherwise they'll detract from an otherwise cohesive design scheme. Make sure they match up well with both your primary palette choices before incorporating them into infographics so that everything looks cohesive when viewed together at once instead just looking haphazardly thrown together piecemeal over time by different people working independently on different parts simultaneously without any input from anyone else involved except maybe clients coming in later down the line after initial drafts have already been completed which sometimes happens but rarely because clients don't usually know anything about design either so maybe we should just keep working until someone tells us differently

“Tricks of using colors” in a nutshell

Color can be used in several ways when creating an infographic. You can use color to highlight important information or draw attention to the infographic itself. You can also create a visual hierarchy by using different shades of similar colors within one graphic. Use these tips to choose the right colors for your infographic.

  • Use color to guide readers through the infographic - When designing an information graphic, you want to make sure that people are able to understand what they're reading without getting lost along the way or feeling overwhelmed by all of the data on display. To ensure this happens, use certain shades as markers that direct readers toward certain points within your design. This will help keep them focused on their goal while still providing some variety within each piece of content throughout its entirety
  • Use color to emphasize important information - One way to use color effectively is by highlighting certain facts or statistics with the right shade of hues. This can help draw attention to a particular point you're trying to make (for example, red may indicate "dangerous" information).


It's important to remember that color is a powerful tool for guiding readers through your infographic. Use it wisely! And if you’re a Graficto user you can you can create infographics with your own brand or theme colors, to suite your requirements. But when you create your own color palettes for infographics you will have to think about the context of the infographic, color contrast and few other things that is connecting to your artwork as well.